Sunday, 13 April 2014

I Review The IGIGI Petra Dress

When it comes to my personal style I am definitely in an experimental phase. The amazing world of fashion is something that has been kept secret from so many plus size women and it's only now that we are not only embracing ourselves, we're being given a plethora of options to build our wardrobe from. Being surrounded by many other bloggers has shown me many fun and fresh approaches to style and it's been great for me to also discover some great clothing brands.

Igigi is a brand that I first heard about towards the end of last year. The American company brought to us by Yuliya Raquel specialises in high end styles from sizes 12-32 (US sizing). Like many of us I scroll through magazines and check out websites and I can be dubious about trying out new things. I was lucky enough to win a competition ran by Hanna at The Warbrobe Challenge towards Christmas of last year and I was the lucky winner of a gorgeous dress! In love with bodycon and wiggle dresses I decided to select something bright, fun and sexy; the Petra Dress. 

I absolutely love this dress; the colour is bright and fun, the length of the skirt is just right for me, cutting across my knees and the neckline is at a good height to give that hint of cleavage without taking away from the style in the dress. I picked this up in a size 14/16. 
Igigi tend to be pretty generous with their sizing which is always nice. I will be honest though I have to wear shapewear with this dress. The fabric is a very clingy stretch material that will hug you in all the right places, and some of the wrong ones too if you're not careful lol. I do like the finished look of this dress and it feels amazing on. The wrap style that drapes across the bust can slide a little though, so if the dress clings to you in the chest area (as it did to me) you might want to pin it from the inside so that you don't have to worry about becoming a little too exposed. 

When I first got this dress I was unsure about how I might accessorise it. I don't have a jacket the right length or style to suit this one so I borrowed my mum's turquoise and gold shawl which has been in my family decades. Originally from Egypt it adds a slightly eastern feel to it. I like to drape things around my shoulders when I wear a dress because you get that slight coverage whilst still showing off the dress. I decided to work with the gold and silver accents in the shawl and so I wore gold hoop earnings, gold and silver bangles and a diamanté ring for a little extra bling. 
I tend to play it safe when it comes to footwear so I went for my favourite black platform heels. If you have this dress and you want to be playful you could maybe wear a pair of sandals or kitten heels in gold, silver or turquoise. 

If you are looking for something to wear at a wedding, special function or for that special date you have coming up you have to check out Igigi. Their items are just gorgeous!


  1. You look stunning in this dress Mayah. :) :) You are so right, for a special occasion Igigi is perfect. I know it as I got married in a red beautiful dress from Igigi. :) Great photos too. :)

    1. Thanks honey, you looked absolutely beautiful in your wedding pictures! I really like their clothes and i'm glad that I finally got to try out the brand xx

  2. Love this color! The shawl adds a nice touch too.

  3. You look wonderful! And the dress color matches you skin tone perfectly!!

    1. Thanks honey. This was a bold choice for me colour wise but I love the overall look xx

  4. You look great! I love this color, and the dress. I wanted this myself, but being a triangle it didn't fit my shape. The shawl is the ising on the cake-gorgeous! Take care!

    1. Thanks honey I had never tried the company before I got this one so I was happy that the look suited me. What dress did you pick out instead? I love their wrap dresses. I really wanna try one soon!

    2. I've been shopping at IGIGI for a couple of years now, I just love how the design compliments the curvatious body:). I bought the Margherita wrap dress in turqouise ( loved it so much that I bought it in pink as well). Loove that dress, I'm wearing it on my profilephoto. I'll be reviewing the Katsia maxi dress soon, can't wait!

    3. They have some really gorgeous looks and the quality is amazing! I love the styles and the different prints. So many plus size brands play it safe and stick to simple colour and fabric styles so I love that you can be a little more adventurous when picking out a dress for that special occasion or if you want to wear something nice for work etc. Drop me a link to your page I would love to check it out xx

    4. Notre de maison is the mame of my blog, so you can click your way in to my home in Southern Norway:). I'll let you know when I post:)

    5. Thanks Hun I'll be sure to check it out. Keep me posted xx

  5. That is a BEAUTIFUL color on you! Welcome to the world of Igigi dress obsession. I think you would look great in one of their wrap dresses - give one a try as you develop your own style! I also really follow their ShapeStylist that lets their customers know how to dress for their bodytype. Knowledge is style power!!! Also, in terms of curvy-girl fashion, I have also found that color analysis is a great investment - you know, where you have a professional drape different color fabrics by your face (ex: I am considered a "deep winter" palette). It helps you to not waste money on colors that won't work - but again, I totally think you hit a home run with that incredible turquoise. It's wonderful to see the love, encouragement, and respect for beauty (one's own and other peoples') that drives so many plus-size fashion blogs and body-positivity sites. I only wish these messages had existed when I was a teenager - but all we can do as adults is to support other women with that message - you are beautiful.

    1. Hi Melanie I hope all is well. I really love the company I just wish the had some stores here in the UK! Having said that thanks to the internet we can all enjoy these gorgeous garments. I haven't considered trying the colour analysis but I like the idea of it! I do tend to be careful when picking out colours because I have a caramel complexion so some things can make me look quite orange if i'm not careful lol. I too wish that a lot of these styles and companies were about when I was a teenager I know I would have had a better time of it! To be honest with you, this is one of the reasons I started my blog as so many plus women out there have no idea what's available and where to look for new ideas etc. I'm happy I can put my findings out there and if it helps at least one person then that's something to smile about. I'd love to see a picture of you in your latest Igigi buy! Feel free to post one on my facebook page x

  6. You know, I've purchased many Igigi dresses over the last couple of years but have always been shy about posting a picture. I found the Igigi website 3 years ago, waited 1 year to purchase anything because I'm usually a cheapwad, then when I finally bought my first dress I realized that I could never go back to a lower-quality brand. To tell you the truth, I think that Igigi is probably the best buy for curvy-wear I've ever found, on a price-per-wear basis. Their dresses are the ones I almost always reach for on a day to day basis - and I am building a wardrobe based mostly on their pieces. I usually shop during Igigi's seasonal and flash sales, but I also allow myself to buy a special dress at full price when I just have to have it, simply because I usually kick myself when my size is gone forever (and that has happened enough times to make me sorry in the past). I got through years of school/graduate school shopping the sales off the clearance racks, and let me tell you - that was a hard habit to break. But Igigi pieces outdo the competition every time on a price-per-wear basis, and feeling really beautiful and good about myself is, well - priceless. I don't think I've bought any workwear, daywear or formal pieces from any other brand or store in the last two years - and I have no regrets about that decision. :) (And no, I don't work for Igigi or have any relatives there or stock in the company!!! :) )

    1. After trying them out I can't say I blame you. I too would love a wardrobe full of dresses from them! Unfortunately for me a dress from them would be a treat purchase as I would not only have to buy the dress but pay for shipping costs. It's be good to try out the different styles they have on offer though. Hopefully I can pick up something new soon x

  7. Looking fabulous! That's a great colour on you. xx

    1. Thanks Hun I needed something a little different in the collection I want a variety if colours and prints. I wasn't sure about this one until I got it but now I love it!! Xx

  8. What a gorgeous colour! So good on you! xx

  9. I am a huge Igigi fan too, after trying different styles I can say that if i have the bufget I'll go there any time. I cannot affor it always but it's worth the money. In Italy we have a few famous costly brands, you spend more than an Igigi dress and end up with something for mature ladies, maybe even the quality is not worth it. Anyway, this looks great on you!

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      \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Thanks for the compliment Hun. I know what you mean the price band for Igigi is quite expensive which is why for me it might be the kind of dress I buy on a specials occasion or something. When I was in Italy last year I was looking for some nice brands to buy from so I may have to take a closer look the next time I visit xx}
